Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Humble Introduction


I have never been one to step on the toes of tradition, therefore I think it appropriate that I should humbly introduce myself in my first post as I have seen so many others do on their respective, respectable blogs.

My name is name is Makkah, but you may refer to me as Mega BabyGoth (my new found alias). It has long been my desire to dub myself into the sub-culture of goth with my fellow dark souled brethren, but for a long time I could not get the approval of the Goth Cabal... but after I found out that there is no such thing as a Goth Cabal my black heart filled with a sinister delight, and I began looking into the sub-culture.

Of course I was trilled to see active members of the goth community offering help to babybats like myself and I quickly began filling my mind with all things goth, but across the web I saw a lack of ethnicity in the goth community when it came to fashion and advice websites. Which brings me to the purpose of my blog. I wanted to find a place online for babybats to socialize and share information and a place where goths of color could socialize and share information, and though it is possible to find blogs and/or websites that fill both voids, I wanted to join in on the action.

Being a very cynical person, my first reaction about not having a blog of my own was to complain, but complaining never got anyone anywhere, so instead of just complaining about it, I thought I should do something as well. Hence, (yes I actually wrote "hence" in an attempt to sound fancy) my blog.

It is my hope that this blog brings you unfortunate feelings of joy and despair as you read. And it is also my hope that my busy schedule permits me to update regularly. It is my humble request that this blog stay positive. So, if your constantly in a bad mood -that's your business, but please mind your razor tongue. But if you are racist I humbly ask that you promptly remove the bat that has been wedged in your posterior for hundreds of years and crawl back under the rock from whence you came.

And with all that I humbly introduce myself,
 Welcome to Mega BabyGoth...

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