Wednesday, March 28, 2012

God Thinks...

Ok... right now I am stalking Voltaire, and everyone knows that whenever you impersonate a musician's shadow the first rule is: Look them up on Wikipedia and examine all their albums song by song. Thank you Industrial Revolution! (another song). And it didn't take long for me to listen to "God Thinks".

I must say its a very thought provoking song. Basically what I gather is that its about how people use God's name to say their own opinions. I was very inspired by this song because I think it represents the free minds that a lot of goths are known for.

Its not about condemning religion but about accepting people for what they are and realizing that perhaps there is a chance that you are not 100% correct in your beliefs, and that maybe you should stop being self-righteous, judgmental, and using God's name for your own agenda.

1 comment:

  1. Aint too hard to inherit
    the Kingdom of God Upstairs;
    all we need to do is 2 things:

    honor/respect God -AND-
    feed the 'poor' whether
    it be literally and/or spiritually.
    How easy is that???

    I'll see you Upstairs.
    Dijoo know I. Love. You?
