Wednesday, March 28, 2012

God Thinks...

Ok... right now I am stalking Voltaire, and everyone knows that whenever you impersonate a musician's shadow the first rule is: Look them up on Wikipedia and examine all their albums song by song. Thank you Industrial Revolution! (another song). And it didn't take long for me to listen to "God Thinks".

I must say its a very thought provoking song. Basically what I gather is that its about how people use God's name to say their own opinions. I was very inspired by this song because I think it represents the free minds that a lot of goths are known for.

Its not about condemning religion but about accepting people for what they are and realizing that perhaps there is a chance that you are not 100% correct in your beliefs, and that maybe you should stop being self-righteous, judgmental, and using God's name for your own agenda.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

When You're Evil

I just heard "When You're Evil" by Voltaire and... oh.... my....

This song is amazing! I am probably lowering your expectations by promoting him as awesome, but since I like his music so much I don't really care, why? Because I'm evil! If you haven't heard any of his music, as a babygoth I think it would be a good idea to educate ourselves.

But you don't have to thank me for recommending the song, however I do take donations in all forms of currency, cash, credit, tears, etc. 

Want more Voltaire? Me too! Check Out His Website!

Phase or Lifestyle Choice?

Greetings my fellow gothlings,

Just a thought that came to mind when I was reading the not so daily ramblings of a certain goth of color by the name of Dismantlynn. And that thought was "Do I really want to be goth or is this a phase?" Of course one doesn't know one is in a phase while one is in it does one? Or to put it more simply... how do you know if your 'legit' and being goth for the right reasons? Please don't ask what made me question myself, I really don't know.

Or perhaps I do... maybe it was because I have been reading about goths that have been true to themselves for years now and this made me wonder if I had what it takes to last the test of time. I tried being goth a few years ago when I was 16 but got discouraged by peer pressure (typical I know). 

This was my everyday look, and I thought I looked pretty damn good but sadly it was not to last for I quickly backed out of my "phase" since it wasn't received well by friends and family. I don't blame them because I know that I was the one who was too chicken to do what I wanted. But now that I am 18, starting college in August and back to wanting to pursue my dark nature but somehow I am still considering the opinions of others even though I generally pride myself on not caring what people think about me.

And with all this thinking I am wondering if I will eventually give up again or stay true to myself. One of the reasons that made it harder to continue with being goth was that I had no elder goth in my life to lead me or any goth friends or acquaintances, and was completely unaware of the goths populating the internet. BUT now I do know how helpful the internet can be, I plan to suck it dry for all its worth.... cheesy pun intended...

If you have had, used to have, or are currently having a similar experience with this please feel free to comment below or email me about it.  

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blogs for BabyGoths

With great gothiness, comes great responsigothity...

Ok that was stupid, but so is the way people post misleading and highly flawed information on the internet. I have found several sites that say ALL goths are Satan worshipers, or that one can only be goth by wearing black or acting depressed etc.

However, I have also found a few gem blogs that seem to have their facts straight. I regularly check them for information and inspiration, they are definitely worth reading! I'm sure this is not the full extent of blogs available but rest assured that I will add them as I find them.

Did you notice I listed myself as a valuable resource for general babygoth information?
I find that it never hurts to shamelessly promote yourself now and again...

A Humble Introduction


I have never been one to step on the toes of tradition, therefore I think it appropriate that I should humbly introduce myself in my first post as I have seen so many others do on their respective, respectable blogs.

My name is name is Makkah, but you may refer to me as Mega BabyGoth (my new found alias). It has long been my desire to dub myself into the sub-culture of goth with my fellow dark souled brethren, but for a long time I could not get the approval of the Goth Cabal... but after I found out that there is no such thing as a Goth Cabal my black heart filled with a sinister delight, and I began looking into the sub-culture.

Of course I was trilled to see active members of the goth community offering help to babybats like myself and I quickly began filling my mind with all things goth, but across the web I saw a lack of ethnicity in the goth community when it came to fashion and advice websites. Which brings me to the purpose of my blog. I wanted to find a place online for babybats to socialize and share information and a place where goths of color could socialize and share information, and though it is possible to find blogs and/or websites that fill both voids, I wanted to join in on the action.

Being a very cynical person, my first reaction about not having a blog of my own was to complain, but complaining never got anyone anywhere, so instead of just complaining about it, I thought I should do something as well. Hence, (yes I actually wrote "hence" in an attempt to sound fancy) my blog.

It is my hope that this blog brings you unfortunate feelings of joy and despair as you read. And it is also my hope that my busy schedule permits me to update regularly. It is my humble request that this blog stay positive. So, if your constantly in a bad mood -that's your business, but please mind your razor tongue. But if you are racist I humbly ask that you promptly remove the bat that has been wedged in your posterior for hundreds of years and crawl back under the rock from whence you came.

And with all that I humbly introduce myself,
 Welcome to Mega BabyGoth...